Saya hampir terlupa kepada request En. Rohaizad yang menanyakan mengenai senarai soalan Oral exam untuk 2nd Class Engineer (motor). Seperti yang diamalkan kini oleh Pihak Jabatan Laut, ujian lisan telah melalui satu format baru, tidak seperti apa yang saya alami dua tahun lepas. Pengenalan format baru ini adalah terdiri dari empat soalan utama yang wajib untuk dijawab oleh calon kesemuanya. Sekiranya tidak maka calon secara automatik gagal dalam ujian tersebut. Selain empat soalan utama, terdapat juga beberapa soalan lain sebagai tambahan kepada soalan utama tadi. Maafkan saya soalan ini tidak mengikut urutan. Saya hanya menulis apa yang masih terlekat di kepala saja. Harap Ijad puas hati....hehe
Senarai soalan:
You found during normal check, that the level of lube oil for your air-cond compressor is low. How you refill the lube oil into compresser and explain me in other case procedure to fill the Freon into air-condition system.
State the chracteristic of Lube oil and refrigerant that can be used for air condition plant.
What items that you checked during conduct the main engine crancase inspection and state the reasons why you must carry out that inspection.
How you conduct the cranshaft deflection check? Explain what is vertical and horizontal deflection. (complete with table).
Sketch for me boiler safety valve (full lift type).
How you set the boiler safety valve, what is setting value?
What is boiler safety valve blowdown rate? Explain me accumulation test for boiler safety valve.
What is electrical shock? As Second Engineer on board how will you avoid such accident regarding electrical shock?
How you deal with a condition to save the person that having the electrical shock just infront of your eyes?
What is earthing? How you carry out Megger Test for electrical equipment?
Explain the procudure from start until end, how you carry out main engine piston overhaul.
How you determine the main engine performance? Show me how take the power and draw card by using pressure indicator device.
Show me some fault that can be found for a power card such as early and post combustion, etc.
What is function weak spring diagram, sketch me that diagram.
- Always practice to draw any line diagrams such as main engine lube oil system, etc. Make sure to label and write the diagram title.
- Clearly label every item when examiner ask you to make a sketch like boiler safety valve.etc.
- Always answer your question with the view of safety aspect. (really important).
- Be confident, listen your qustion carefully and think first before answer the question.
- Last but not least "experience is a good teacher".
wow!! mencabar betul soalan2 tu...
so ko ada jawapannyer ker??
kalo ada, boleh la paste kt sini untuk tatapan bersama...
Ala Azhar... siap testing2 ko ya? Jawapan soalannya? Aku dah tinggalkan semua pada examiner. Jawapan semua ada dalam buku kita.
Ko ada soalan oral yg nak kongsi kat blog nie? email aku okey., aku nk tnya skitla...kalau jawapan2 kita tu salah, berapa 'harga (dalam RM la)' kita nak byr pd examiner utk 'betulkan' balik jawapan kita yg salah tu ha..? hehe ... (sekadar bertanya, without any prejudice)
setahu aku satu soalan yang salah kena bayar rm 20k. Amacam ada berani? Apa ko ingat ni negara "inspector Shahab"??. kantoi bayar RM 300 dan take back the test.
1 soalan 20 ribu kalu 14 soalan?? (just answering without prejudice)wakakaka
ijat nih kaki rasuah la kut...tak baik jat main rasuah....berdosa..mati seksa...
Alamak Afad lama tak jumpa ko....hehe. Ala ko macam x kenal jer Ijad tu macam mana! Wei tanjong ada kosong ka??
salam...nak tanya cket..oral test tuk 2nd class tu yg latest nyer ekk..yg wajib 4soklan tu..coz my hubby is going to take this ssh jer..ikt pglmn kwn2 ramai 5 6kali kantoi..fuh!! hopefully dis valuable tips can help my hubby..amin.. thnks ya!!
Hani, I dun have latest question. Biasanya setiap org dpt soalan yg berlainan (like question bank) but masih dalam syllabus yg u punya husband pelajari. Good luck for him
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